Dunn House
Moving History
In 1995, a group of citizens led by the Greenwood Pioneer Club and the Greenwood Women’s club, started on a venture to save a decaying old home that had once been a Confederate Hospital. It has sat vacant for many years in a field next door to the wrecking yard unnoticed by many and an eye sore for many. Soon there was a sign put up and people began the arduous task to save the old Dunn House.
After a lot of work, barbeques and other fund raisers, the money was raised to move the house to a new location in the center of Town next door to Town Hall. The property was donated by Glen Graves at the wishes of Mildred Baker Meeker.
Many people volunteered their time and money to put the house back in shape to become a museum. Months went by before the mammoth task would be completed. Theyard was landscaped and a fence was put up. A Confederate Hospital flag flew from the flag pole in the front yard. There are many interesting stories surrounding the move and the first years of this home. We hope to have some of them published for your review later on as theybecome available. If you look at the pictures before and after, you will see how a miracle was performed by some interested citizens.
After the house was moved to it’s new location a surprise awaited the towns people. The parlor was covered in a layer of sheet rock. The decision was made to take the sheet rock down to allow the cypress walls to show. When the sheet rock was removed the beautiful stencil was discovered. Now they had a real treasure. There are only three houses in Louisiana with stenciling of this caliber in existence today.
The Greenwood Chamber of Commerce and Dunn House Museum wish to thank Mr. Duane Simpson and Company for the climate controlled heating and cooling system installed to preserve and enhance the operation of this historic building. A special thanks to the Trane Company for the equipment donation.

The Dunn House as it stood on the old location next to the wrecking yard in 1995.

The house had fallen into such disrepair it was feared that the move may have been too much for the house.

Moving up hill from the old location to the new locations in 1995.

The home was finally safe and sound at it’s new location.

View of the stenciled walls found underneath the sheet rock.